I am primarily a web developer by trade and have found WordPress to be a wonderful medium to develop in.
I am a Webmaster at the Calgary Herald and I also develop for Qball Webservices. Plus I am involved with many other projects.
Given all that time devoted to the web, I never seem to have time for my own projects or website. This is an attempt too rectify that.
As I get older, and hopefully wiser, I have noticed I am becoming more aware of the inequities in life and society. I find it frustrating that I cannot do anything about this and I also feel alone in these frustrations. I hope that by reaching out in this medium, I may find a realize for these frustrations and hopefully some allies along the way.
That is not to say that everything that bugs me is heavy. Sometimes they are just everyday things that you wonder why no one has ever bothered to fix them.
Things ranging from how our politicians cannot understand the urgency of global warming or climate change, to why the perforated open tab on a box of Kraft Dinner is impossible to puncture.